TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Tuesday 20 March 2012

Proud Mum

Today was a good day for two things in our house. It was Daughters parents evening. I should say afternoon since it was at 4, but anyway.
We discussed her now returning problem at night and her toilet problem that causes her to be lethargic, pale and not eat properly, but other than this the teacher said shes a pleasure to teach.
In her recent SATs she scored a low 4 on 2 subjects and a high 3 on 2. What this means overall is that by the time she leaves for secondary school she should be on a level 4. So for that reason i have no need to be worried as she's half way there and the teacher said the way she is learning now she'll get there. that was my first bit to be proud of.
My second was when picking her up for gym, After getting over the shock of next week costing me almost £100 for this years gym academy membership and her fees going up and being due she tells me she got the badge she was being tested for this week. She then shocks me further by telling me she got the next one too. So tonight she came out with level six and level 5. both of which i need to pay for next week too. Next term will be level 4.

1066 gym This is where she goes for those who want to see, its a great place. Son goes there for Free style too.

What an exciting and proud day for me!

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