TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Hi all. Been trying to think of where to start this and have no idea. A friend advised me to write about what i like so here goes.
I have a big interest in History, particularly the Social History side of things, and am currently branching out from Medieval and Tudor to Victorian. I have just started experimenting with making a crochet Victorian Purse.
My interest in history started when i was introduced to re-enactment at the age of 14 (many years ago), I love showing how people have lived. My main interest is Medieval and Tudor, but i have also taken part in Celtic, I'm getting the kit together to do Napoleonic. And this has led onto the Victorian era as well.

I love reading- just as well for the history. I have such an eclectic taste in music that i have too many to put on my profile, my favourites tending towards the soft rock and folk styles.

I have recently discovered crafts such as knitting again, and have started weaving and traditional forms of crafts. As i make new things i shall be posting pictures and would love any feed back from other enthusiasts.

Well i think thats it for my introduction, i shall leave it there ready for another day.

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