TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Sunday, 7 October 2012

Walk in the woods

Today i took Yoda for his first walk in the woods. We went with his mum, sister and "Auntie". Their owner- his breeder and my wonderful friend came with us. It was fantastic to see all of them off the lead and running freely as dogs should do. Despite being show dogs our dogs are still treated as proper dogs. They aren't panpered and preened all of the time.
For me of course the most wonderful part was to see my wonderful Yoda on his first time off the lead. To start he seemed almost unsure what to do but then once he had seen his mum wander off, he was away with the rest of them. All of them were so good too, Yoda and his sister came back to us when called- they are both still being trained, although his sister is better at listening than him. His mum is the most obedient dog I've ever seen so there was no problem with her. "Auntie" however is another story altogether, she got a smell up her nose and she was off, she never went far, but it took a little longer to get her back.
Luckily a large supply of treats helped wonderfully.

Unfortunately this picture only shows three of the dogs.

 We have recently had a spate of dog napping in this area and other areas not so far from us so everyone is being extra careful with their dogs. If i had been on my own there is no way i would have had the confidence to let Yoda off the lead, but with four dogs and two humans we knew it should be fairly safe.

The dogs and my friend came back covered in mud and needed a bath. Yoda is still waiting for his as my two came home and needed sorting and since hes been asleep all the time, we must have exhausted him. I'm so pleased that i chose to take this option for our afternoon instead of doing washing and housework. We had a great time and got some exercise ourselves.

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