TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Sunday, 21 October 2012

Manston and District Dog show in Kent

The latest show we went to today was in Kent. In a small village hall in the middle of no-where. I went with my Friend and Breeder of Yoda, and two of her dogs. It was a very early start and we got lost on the way there- i was actually forced to resort to the sat nav on my mobile, What fun that was. not surprised we got lost really, i would never have thought of a show being held that far out of the way.

Even more surprising was the lack of local people there supporting the show. Personally Yoda did very well. He came away with 8 rosettes- Even now i am surprised at the amount.

His 1st place was in the toy class, 2nd in mystery class. The mystery was that they had asked the organiser of the show to pick her favourite, the other 2nd was for the judges choice. The 4th place rosettes were for best puppy, waggiest tail, and cutest couple with Shelby his sister. He also got part of a 4th place with his mum and sister in the Best trio class, He was handled in this class by his breeder. The rosette for 5th place was for most appealing eyes and special reserve  for best conditioned dog. I am so shocked but happy. He wasn't on his best behaviour, his latest habit seems to be for standing on his back legs as soon as i tell him he's being good!

I'm hoping that now i have recovered from this dreadful cold and sinusitis i can get back to daily training for him and he will calm down again. The last couple of weeks have been lots of play times with him and the children trying with the training, but both giving him different signals. Because he's still so young he's easily confused by it.

Our next big show is middle of Nov. By then he should be listening a lot better.... here's hoping at least.


  1. That's brilliant! Look at all those rosettes!!! I'd have loved to trial our collies but we never have time with running the farm. Though one of Sparky's pups has turned out to be a champion sheep dog trialer which is fantastic!

    CJ x

    1. Thank you very much xx
      His mum is a show dog and has over 100 rosettes. I found out yesterday that out of the litter of 6 there are 3 of them being trained as show dogs, one of which will be just fun shows and one is KC only, then there is my rascal who will be doing both. His breeder would like to borrow him for the British Chihuahua Championships one year once he has the practise and fully trained. I can;t believe that he has that potential, i'm still shocked by yeasterdays collection of wins.
      C x
