TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Monday, 9 April 2012

The kids go away, and Me?....

Its Easter and the kids have been gone since Thurs afternoon and Fri am respectively. That leaves me alone until tonight for one and tomorrow am for the other.

I have a Craft fair next weekend so the plan was to have one day relaxing and the other days doing sewing combined with breaks of doing some sorting and tidying, catching up on washing- you know the sort of thing we all have to do (even more so when you're a single mum)

What happens... Well, i get my day of relaxing, it was sunny and if you read my post on Bank holiday Fri you will know i had a lovely day. Just as well i went out that day, i have been either in bed or on the sofa under a duvet feeling very ill and sorry for myself since. Added to that its been miserable weather.

As for the plans? I have got one lots of tumbling dry- that was the washing i managed to get in the machine Friday night. And i have done a very small amount of sewing.

I just haven't had the energy to do anything. Its the typical movement thing, you bend over and your nose streams, you move around too much and breathe harder and you start coughing.
I have felt absolutely floored by this, and its only a cold for goodness sake. I never get like this with a cold.
My conclusion is that since my operation i have been in better health enough to notice the difference. In the previous 5 years I've been so near the floor with my health that having a cold hasn't been able to put me much closer to it. And now I'm further up the scale health wise i notice it more.

My remaining question is..... Is it better to be ill without children around or with? Without them is easier to relax and let it takes its course, but i don't get anything done, with them around would mean that when they are not here i may get lots done. Either way i never seem to get a chance to find out, something always happens when i get my time alone. It never works out that i can have a weekend without them where all my plans go according to plan.

I know what my wonderful mum would say "Don't make plans and then they can't go wrong. Always call it an idea, if it changes you won't be disappointed" And as usual i can say she is very right there. Love you mum xxx


  1. Hope you feel better soon! Its a shame you didn't get to do what you wanted to do and that we didn't have our girlie night! But we can organise something in a week or two when your feeling better and the kids are away again!! Thinking about Thursday now, perhaps we should call it an "idea" instead of a plan just to be on the safe side!! :o)

  2. I don't know, Claire. It seems that the few times I've been alone, the time flies and I still don't get done what I wanted. I guess it's a Catch 22.

    BTW, Saturday evening, I spent nearly an hour explaining to my 6 yr old why it wasn't okay to set a trap for the Easter Bunny! LOL!

    1. That must have been an interesting conversation. *Chuckles*

    2. Belinda- That must have been an interesting conversation *Chuckles*

  3. When you have kids plans are just that, plans. They never seem to get executed. It almost seems that when they're away for a few days, you just shut down--all that overdue R & R. Now that my two boys are grown and on their own, it's often too quiet and I miss the chaos. Of course, I am able to put my plans to work, which is satisfying. I hope you feel better soon...Peggy

    1. Peggy- Because of my disability, i seem to run on adrenaline all the time they are around, and when they are not it is as you describe- i collapse and get every germ coming. I do also miss the chaos though. I am now however used to not completing my plans. The control freak part of me is learning to be calmed down enough for that. x

  4. Thank you all for your lovely comments, they are much appreciated.
