TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Sunday, 29 April 2012

Admitting mistakes

Its always hard to admit a mistake, anyone will say that. Recently i did just that.
I admitted to someone very important to me that i was wrong about something big and was left in limbo for a few weeks while this person worked out what it all meant.

Now i have been given the concluding part to that mistake. It is something i have now to live with for the rest of my life and feels like a major thing right now. I am deeply hurt and angry With myself. I am disappointed that this person doesn't feel how i do about the whole mess and at the same time i am glad that i now have an ending and in time i guess i can start to heal.

At this point in time i am being brave in front the children, i am trying to keep busy- lets face it i have 101 things i need to do and all in the next 2 weeks. But as you all well know- when feeling hurt and betrayed all you want to do is curl up with a soppy DVD or book and hide. Chance would be a fine thing with 2 children constantly say "I'm bored".

I shall in the meantime hide at night and do the above. In the day i shall paint on a happy face and say to all who ask- "yes I'm fine" because that is what is expected of me.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Review of: The finishnig of Lady Amelia Prequel to Betrayals of the Heart, by Scarlett Rains

The Finishing of Lady Amelia, Prequel to Betrayals of the Heart (Sisters of the Heart Series)


Lady Amelia Fitzailwyn knows everything about everything... she certainly does not require Finishing School! If John and Alex had not tattled on her, she would still be home! It was fine for them to chase every skirt in the Kingdom but she has one kiss ...or two, and Uncle carts her off! Day one of her banishment, at Madame de Rigeur's Young Ladies Finishing Academie, is dismal. Her roommate is insular, Clarissa is cruel...and that spotty girl's rash is probably contagious! Then, she meets Monsieur Pelfrie, the handsomest man she has ever seen, and Amelia decides it might just be possible to endure the two long years away from home.


Reading this book was like reading the Mallory Towers books, you realise that girls together at any type of school, be it finishing school in the case or boarding school in the case of Mallory Towers the adventures and mischief is the same.
I certainly laughed at some of the things the girls got up to, and the way the different class of girl saw each other is certainly true of the Georgian period. It is something we sadly still have today.
In my opinion the book is an easy relaxing gentle read suitable for YA and adults alike. I like the descriptive content of some of the manners and how scandalous it was when one of them swore, something that now you wouldn't turn a blind eye to.
There is always a romance to the Georgian period that makes me want the simpler life they seemed to lead.

I would give this book a 4 out of 5.

Friday, 27 April 2012

All change again

As the title says its ready for all change agian in our household. I can't say too much yet but we will be dong some major sorting with our lives and re-evaluating what is disposable.

Watch this space for more info.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Book Review for Tots100: the Land of the Painted caves by Jean M Auel

Tots100 Parent Blogger Book Club  Tesco Link to The Land of Painted Caves

This for me is the much longed for final book in "The Earth's Children" series by Jean M Auel. And i have to say that once again she doesn't disappoint. i do have a few criticisms, but then that is the case for most books you read..

The story picks up Ayla's tale as she and Jondalar start the final leg of their journey back to his people. In this book we see once again how Ayla is accepted into people's hearts, how she progresses with her medicine training and finally has another much longed for child. We see how once again she find the best in people and brings out the best in others, how she selflessly helps those less fortunate than herself no matter the consequences.

My only dislike of the book is the repetitiveness of the previous books. This may be for the benefit of those new to the series, but i feel that there are quite a few passages that could have been left out in the editing process. Some parts of this actual book are repeated as you get nearer the end of the story.

Overall though the author had a huge research challenge over many continents and years when she started these books. This is an era that with very few archaeological finds compared to other periods, visualising how the daily lives of the people has been done in a very realistic way and i felt as if i could be there myself. I have loved every minute of the journey, and at the end of the novel i still have questions about the future of Ayla.

I have nothing but praise for Ms Auel, for the achievement of this book and the series. Like Ayla she personally had huge obstacles to overcome and she never gave up. She didn't disappoint her loyal fans.

I would highly recommend this book and the whole series. They are something i have grown up with thanks to my mum and i will be passing them on to my daughter as she gets older.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Mind blank

Why is it that you think of so many different subjects to write about in separate blog posts and then when it comes down to it one of the following happens- the witty title disappears from your mind, you don't get time to blog before something new comes along to blog about, you forget altogether. Well in this instance its all 3 for me.

On Monday a the end of a hard day i was too tired to blog, yesterday i was too ill, and today my mind has gone blank. I will however do my best to be witty, remember all the details and luckily i'm just tired today not ill!

Monday i was going in to the Museum for a couple of hours to get some Events work done. I hadn't even got up and i had a call from a friend telling me my daughter had turned up at her house. I had sent her to school on an Inset day! I blame my daughter for this since she didn't give me the last newsletter before Easter. This was the one that told us of the extra day off. So my plans changed, i was to be going to the Museum for a short while and then collecting her.

As with everything concerning me, this didn't happen. I finally collected her from friend at 3.30, i had got to the Museum at 10.30. I had done everything i needed to do and then there was an incident. I stayed to offer support and as a witness i also had to write a report for HR.
Then i had to talk to the CEO who hadn't been in first thing when i was doing everything i needed to. I was exhausted and starving when i left there, i hadn't taken any lunch since i wasn't staying for lunch- a mistake i won't make again. I will always ensure i have food with me. I now can't complain that nothing exciting happens when i'm there. Normally it happens when i'm not- I feel privileged in a small way. I'm sure the recipients of the incident don't feel this way though.

To check out the musuem follow the link here :     Bexhill Museum

Tuesday as i said i was ill, probably brought on by Monday overdoing it and still not really being over my bug.

Today was general day, took a friend to the hospital and then did some sewing on our Victorian costumes. so nothing too special.

Tomorrow will be Events meeting- we have an opening for a new collection display which i have to organise the refreshments and food for, and the events team need to have some people there helping other than me. I am hoping we can get on with some events planning since the year is going at a rapid rate and we haven't really done any fund raising so far.

And for something that was a mind blank just now this post has grown quite large- strange how once you start you can't stop.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Mexican standoff (2)

I decided to do a quick follow to the Mexican Standoff post from yesterday.

The standoff continued right through into the afternoon. Son was adamant that he was not going to change room back round. He sat in his room playing individual strings and making up tunes on his guitar. (He has only just started learning to play) After a few hours of this as all you parents are probably aware, it gets very annoying. But he seemed to be happy enough and i wasn't going to give in.

The standoff finally dissolved after 5 hours of him alternately moaning and playing the guitar. I made a small compromise and said that if he moved the bed back and tidied his room properly i would put a blind up his room. He has curtains but his excuse for changing the bed was to shut out light (it would make no difference the way he had it, but what matters to him is he thought it would).

what he hasn't realised as yet is that at the rate he tidies his room the blind will be going up this time next year! It is enough of a battle to get him to do his clothes when they are washed and folded, without the rest of the room.

I believe i win that one with a small victory. He feels he had a victory too, and in a small way he did. The important part of it all is that we are both happy. The afternoon ended with him downstairs playing his guitar where the noise couldn't affect me as much and i could continue resting.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Mexican Standoff ensues

Imagine if you please: Big bad Mum on one side trying to enforce her rule over the house and on the other obstinate son stubbornly refusing to do as told.
All you parents have been there and done that.

This morning started i thought fairly OK, the children were both in sons room talking quietly and clunking at something. It is 7am and the clunking gets louder. I lie there and listen for a while and discover they are tidying the room. Good job i think Son has finally listened to me. Then i realise the tidying involves moving his room around. Not such a good job i think. So being a mean mum i left them to it til 8.20 before finally getting up and going in.

Moving the room around consisted of turning the bed from in the middle of the room to still there but having the feet touching the wardrobe doors. I should explain, the wardrobe has sliding doors, but inside is also a set of 6 drawers- How will he open these you ask? That was my next statement after telling him to turn it back round again. I only use the top 2, and you can climb on the bed to get to them and to put clothes away. I am not going to climb on the bed to put clothes away (its a double bed). Son says he will. I have to laugh at this since he doesn't do that now!

So we have a stand off. Big Bad mum saying bed has to be moved back and room tidied, and Son saying no he won't. Son is now banished to room until it is moved. He will be in there all day, off to school and back in there straight after. Out for meals and that is it. We'll see how long it lasts and who wins.
I must add Son is 12 and yes trying to assert independence. Yes its his room, but he has to be practical too. I'm willing to listen and had he asked first i would have made suggestions to compromise. but not now. He has to understand that as mum i am still boss no matter how old he is.

The joys of them turning into teenagers.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Infection and fibromyalgia

This morning i finally called the Dr. I've been ill all over Easter and despite telling myself each day that this is the worst day and tomorrow i'll start feeling better that wasn't happening. Instead my cold has travelled from my throat to my nose to above my eyes.
I now have anti- biotics. I hope they start working soon.

The point of this post, normally at this point in a virus of any sort i would be in agony and i'm not. I've touched lots of wood to be certain, but i've been expecting it for 4 days now. The thing with Fibromyalgia is that a flare up come on for the slightest of reasons. In my case normally if i have overdone things, i am getting ill or during illness. Too much stress will also cause a flare up.
On this occasion nothing has happened. Something i am very happy about.
I can only put it down to new Happy pills. I was recommended them by the Rheumatologist last year and we decided to wait until the weather was better before changing my routine. So far (fingers crossed) it has worked. I am generally not getting as much pain as i was.

As a drawback i am more drained and tired. If that's all it is i can live with that.

Monday, 9 April 2012

The kids go away, and Me?....

Its Easter and the kids have been gone since Thurs afternoon and Fri am respectively. That leaves me alone until tonight for one and tomorrow am for the other.

I have a Craft fair next weekend so the plan was to have one day relaxing and the other days doing sewing combined with breaks of doing some sorting and tidying, catching up on washing- you know the sort of thing we all have to do (even more so when you're a single mum)

What happens... Well, i get my day of relaxing, it was sunny and if you read my post on Bank holiday Fri you will know i had a lovely day. Just as well i went out that day, i have been either in bed or on the sofa under a duvet feeling very ill and sorry for myself since. Added to that its been miserable weather.

As for the plans? I have got one lots of tumbling dry- that was the washing i managed to get in the machine Friday night. And i have done a very small amount of sewing.

I just haven't had the energy to do anything. Its the typical movement thing, you bend over and your nose streams, you move around too much and breathe harder and you start coughing.
I have felt absolutely floored by this, and its only a cold for goodness sake. I never get like this with a cold.
My conclusion is that since my operation i have been in better health enough to notice the difference. In the previous 5 years I've been so near the floor with my health that having a cold hasn't been able to put me much closer to it. And now I'm further up the scale health wise i notice it more.

My remaining question is..... Is it better to be ill without children around or with? Without them is easier to relax and let it takes its course, but i don't get anything done, with them around would mean that when they are not here i may get lots done. Either way i never seem to get a chance to find out, something always happens when i get my time alone. It never works out that i can have a weekend without them where all my plans go according to plan.

I know what my wonderful mum would say "Don't make plans and then they can't go wrong. Always call it an idea, if it changes you won't be disappointed" And as usual i can say she is very right there. Love you mum xxx

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Son Talking at ESAS. ( breaking my rules)

This is against all my rules for my blog. I have always said i won't put pictures of my children on this blog, but i am so very proud of my son giving a talk to the members of Esas at the age of 12, that i will just this once break the rule.

He is their youngest member (i think) and definitely their youngest speaker. He gave a short talk on his trip to Space Camp in Belgium. The chairman of the group very kindly sent me 2 pictures which i'm sure he will not mind me posting on here.

He was attached to 2 microphones, one for the speakers and one for the cameraman.

As you can see the room was filled to overflowing. The talking was a very impressive thing to do not only for his age but as he was preceding a renowned professor from UCL Dr Fransico Diego

For more information on ESAS please go to

Bank hol fri

Yesterday was a really relaxing day. I got fairly early and did the hoovering downstairs, best get it over with at the start of the weekend. I also pottered in the garden sowing some seeds, re potting some plants into bigger pots.
Then once son was collected for weekend a Very good friend and I went out for the day. Since it was such a beautiful sunny warm day we drove with the top down on his car out to East Dean to the Tiger Inn for lunch. We sat outside in full sunshine and admired the scene on the village green.

The Morris dancers were there when we arrived and were on a break, but while we were waiting for our food to arrive they took up their sticks and did the Dance of the long Man. This was represented by the ladies posing with arms and legs spread in the same stance as the long man on the Hill not far from the village.

This second picture is a hanky dance. I couldn't quite hear the explanation of this as people were talking on the table behind us, but all the dances they did were relevant to Easter and spring

Following a gorgeous Salmon on spinach bed with new potato's for lunch, and my friend had local Beachy head fish and chips, we savoured the sun a little longer before heading down to the town and collecting tickets for the cinema.

While waiting for the film we pottered round the shops. I bought a flat cap for when the top is down on the car, and we got nibbles for the film. This is something i have started doing as i don't agree with the exorbitant prices they charge you for their food.

The film we watched was Hunger Games. I knew nothing about the books, except the blurb on the back. And had heard mixed reviews, but since i wanted to see the film from the clips i had seen that's enough for me. And i thought it was really good. It has also left it open for another.

Once home we watched the second part of The lost wolves on BBC 1, a fascinating documentary of Wolves making a return to the Cascade Mountains in Washington State.

My Easter weekend was off to a very relaxing start. Good weather, Good day, Good food, Great Company and a good nights sleep was had.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Pics of Sons Space Camp Trip

 The Space Shuttle Ariene (not sure on spelling of it)

Rocket and example of size, the thrusters couldn't fit into the picture "Thats how big it was" Son said.

Mock up of the inside of a suttle entrance.

Mock up of the inside of a space shuttle. Son sat on the right of the pilot and was another pilot. He had control of all the buttons on the right of the screen and more to the right of him.

Sons Rocket, This was let off 1/3rd air and 2/3rd's water pressure. Looking at the video it went quite high.

Relaxing day, maybe some sewing

Today is going to be a relaxing day i hope. We were supposed to be going to painting at school for the carnival, but Daughter is ill so we're staying home til Dr's this afternoon.
I may get on with some sewing for the craft fair, we'll see how i feel. For now i'm checking all my social network sites and sorting some photo's of sons science trip. He will be giving a 5 min talk on it at his local Astronomy group- ESAS tomorrow night.

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Sewing, Sewing and teaching

Wow today has been exhausting. I had arranged for a friend to come round to sew costumes for Victorian school trip. She herself can't sew and i said i would help, but wasn't going to do all of it for her. Not with mine and Daughters to do as well, and mine needs to be as authentic as i can manage for various reasons. Anyway, we've had a few sessions on them so far and today was for the girls costumes as i need them there for fittings. So 10 there she is with her two girls and hubby, daughter was still in PJ's and i was dressed but Faffing as i do in the mornings.
We start to crack on with where we left off on our last session, and by 11.30, the granddaughters from a couple of doors down come and play too, so i now have 5 children in my garden. I'm trying to cut out and pin different parts and keep a check on friend who is now trying to master the art of Zig-Zig in straight line and cutting in straight line. She's never attempted sewing other than buttons.

Nice part was we had picnic lunch in the sun in garden. Children including those form two doors down sat on picnic blanket while we had the table. My friend had bought some bits and i had some bits and it was relaxing. The whole lot was devoured in minutes.

Then it was back to the sewing, and to add to it another friend came round for a cuppa, so mow i'm trying to concentrate on sewing, teaching and listening to friend. what a challenge for my poor brain, which was by this time was very frazzled.

In the end after 6 hours of sewing and trying to teach and concentration i had to hold my hands up and say i've had enough. I was exhausted and needed to sleep. Friend who had come for cuppa had already seen that and said she'd go home. And then other friend got children to tidy up and half hour later they left.
I then went to bed leaving daughter the the children from two doors down watching a dvd. I slept for about an hour.

It is lovely having the help with the costumes, but i've come to the conclusion that it doesn't always help, some parts get done quicker, but for me my brain is more challenged. I work in a certain way and i have to think about simplifying it. For other things i can do, but sfr sewing i've never had to it just happens if that makes sense.

Space Camp there and back again.

As the title suggests, this post is about Space Camp.

Son came home a few months ago with a letter saying about going on school trip to Belgium for Space Camp. He was so good, he came in and said "i know we can't afford for me to go but i have to give you the letter or i get in trouble." Needless to say inwardly i went "Aww", it was so understanding of him to our finances.
I decided whatever the situation he was going. He's very into his science and this i can boast about he's been top 6 of his year for science in the last few weeks and is in the gifted and talented group too.

Well, moving forward to last Fri and there i stood mid afternoon waving him off as the coach left. Or at least i thought i would be. My son was the only child out of 40 on the coach who didn't look out the window and wave. All the other parents were smiling, some were in tears- but all were waving except for me!
Since son lost his mobile months ago i didn't hear a thing all weekend, no calls from the teachers either, which was all good as i knew he hadn't fallen off the anti gravity wall and broken something, and he really wasn't missing me. He hadn't broken some really expensive piece of machinery by trying to take it apart (something he is very apt at doing).

Come tonight it was pick up time, 10pm at the school. That was until i had a call from the teacher to say it was brought forward to 9, they either got an earlier Ferry (or fairy, as daughter insists it is) or they made very good time with the roads.
Son has come home hoarse, complaining of lack of sleep as the others in his room kept talking and calling him names- they all stay up later than him normally. whereas if he does then he's not great the following morning. He can do this for a few days and then it gets to him. The voice is due to singing the "Gummy Bear" song- I have no idea on that.
He apologised for not getting me any Belgian chocolate as the factory was closed. Keeps telling me he'll by some from home. Bless him, i did tell him to spend his money on himself. He bought his sister an Agate as they are both in to Crystals, and himself a Newtons Cradle.
We have lots of pictures to look at at videos to download to the laptop, and he will be showing some of these at Astronomy club on Thursday evening when he goes. The teacher in charge of the trip also goes to the club and is looking forward to seeing them too.

Overall i think he had a wonderful tie and i'm so grateful to family members who helped make this trip possible for him. It is almost a once in a lifetime trip. The school only run it every two years, so i can see daughter wanting to go as she will be in year 7 ready for the next trip over. That however we will have to wait and see about.

Now we will be back to a normal Easter and no doubt the bickering and arguing will start tomorrow as if they have never been apart. *smiles to herself*