TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Saturday, 9 March 2013

R.I.P My darling Buddy.

This is my Baby. His name is Buddy and he was around 15-20 years old.

  He was a rescue and when we got him he was already a young Adult. Until last year he had very few illnesses bar some trouble with his teeth. But over the last 9 months he's had cat flu twice and some sort of vascular disease. He recovered each time but the gaps between each bout were lessening.
This time i took the choice to do the best for him and end the suffering. A friend very kindly came to the vet with me and having discussed it the vet agreed that we could throw lots of money at him and discover that there isn't really anything they can do. Any thing they did need to do under anaesthetic he probably would survive due to his age. I don't agree with pumping animals full of drugs for it to happen again a few months later, and with no quality of life how is it fair to him. All he wanted to do was sleep lately.

So with much sadness we wish Buddy a very sad farewell and keep him with us in a special place in the garden. He will have a nice plant buried on top of him so we never dig in that place accidentally.

1 comment:

  1. we will miss him lots and having had him with me for a while when you couldn't he is that last of our catsd to go. he will join Leya, Tasha and Sooty
