TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Sunday, 3 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee part 2

It is now the day after the jaunt and although i am suffering a little, it is not as bad as i thought it would be.
The day started wonderfully, it was sunny but not too hot. I was ready in time and so were the children.
Mum messaged and said the buggy wasn't working! I didn't panic (an improvement for the psychologist to know), i simply sent back that i would walk. Lets face it i was down to one stick so how bad could it be? But mum being the sort of person she was didn't accept that and took herself off to the shop and had the man look at the battery of the buggy. She came and picked us all up, including a friend who's children were walking but she herself couldn't. We got to the museum, sorted what i needed to and left my capable team members with their tasks while we went to the bottom of galley hill to sort our tasks. Mum went off to collect the battery from the shop where the man had been looking at it.
Then the daunting situation hit me, would anyone turn up? One man came over and asked me if we were from the museum!! Yes i thought. We had a person joining us, he hadn't got any sponsors but he put money in the collection pot and waited with our small group for the start. We had everyone on the list there and mum was late! She got stuck in the shop.

Finally at 1.05 she returned but the buggy still wouldn't work- i was definitely walking.

We were off! The walk was fun, we attracted attention and the children shook their tins and shouted for money. All along the seafront you could hear "Bexhill museum!!!" loudly. Finally after lots of explaining they started shouting "Donations for Bexhill Museum" A bit further on we got them to include why we were walking when people donated.
Half way through we bumped into my dad and step-mum who had come down to support us. We couldn't stop, so after son had shot step-mum with his bow and arrows we carried on.
By the time we got to the De La Warr Pavilion the shouting from children had changed to "Save our Museum!" Suddenly it sounded as if we were in dire need and would be closing. It provided a great laugh for us, but needed to be changed for the public. This is not what we wanted them to hear.
My feet by this time were hurting and my arm from using my stick to hold my weight was aching badly, i had begun to trip over the stick and my feet. But we were nearing the end. The children were losing interest in asking people for donations and the weather was getting worse. Never the less our spirits were still high and we carried on.
At the Clock tower we were caught up by the classic bicycles and the Motor Heritage association people, we had been dodging each other all along the seafront. We reached the end at the same time and were in time to see the unveiling of a new plaque outside the museum. This plaque explains the Heritage that we have to British Motor Racing. (the 1st car race was held along the sea front from galley hill towards the De La Warr Pavilion)

Inside the Museum we all received a well deserved tea/coffee and cake or biscuit. Everyone had done really well, our donation tubs were almost half full. Our small group of walkers had spoken to people, made ourselves known and the children had all had a good walk.

The only disappointing thing about the whole day is that we only had one gentleman join us. It can't be for lack of advertising since the gentleman said he saw it in the paper. Its dis-heartening as it always feels like the same people putting in the effort and paying out their money. But if the Museum were to close plenty of people would be up in arms about it and demanding that it be saved and re-opened.

I have no photo's of the day as i was organising and couldn't manage camera and stick, but will probably put some up at some point.

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