Daughter tried to make me Pancakes in bed- but it didn't work so that caused tears.
The main part of our day was spent at the wonderful Bedgebury Pinetum.
I took Mum and Nana as a treat and the the nice thing was that this year both children were with me for it so the whole family was there so to speak. Nana came on her scooter, and spent the first 15 mins stopping every time someone or a dog got within 5 feet of her. Mum and I were laughing so much. She did however get used to it after a while. We worked out that Nana hadn't been there since my mum was a child so that getting on for 50 or 50+ years now. It must have changed a lot in that time, but unfortunately she can't remember as it was only the once and so long ago.
Going round i took a lot of random pictures, but this one really struck me, i think its come out quite artistically. In actual fact its only a drain, but with all the rain its got a very small stream running into it and water dripping off the bank
It was nice to see the Daffs out in bunches. There is also a section where they are in miniature and really dotted around. The children also took a few lovely pictures. The Daffs here is by daughter. And son took a lovely picture of the 4 of us females together, the last one we had done was when daughter was around 4 years old.
This wouldn't have been a proper family day out without some drama of a sort, and we had some. All was going well until half way up a hill Nana's battery on her scooter died!! So picture this- Me with Nana hanging on my arm puffing her way up the hill, Mum and Son pushing the scooter up in front of us also puffing away, and Daughter following behind saying she really needed a poo. We made quite a spectacle. Nana's size probably didn't help the poor battery, she'll be the first to admit she's not the smallest of people and has as my grandad used to tease "a vast behind" She could see the funny side of it all though.
Luckily we made it to the top, i deposited Nana back in her scooter and took off with daughter to the loo's and to find help. Mum sent a text saying Nana wanted a dishy man to help! Just as well she has a sense of humour. We arrived back in one of their buggies and a lovely South African man to help- Nana was very pleased! We all had a lovely trip round the park in the buggy to get back to the entrance. And hired one of their Scooters, and according to son this was the American brother of ours. The Humvee version, with huge wheels, lights and much faster.
After some lunch we made our way up to the play area where son and daughter let off some steam and we sat there getting cold. We had ice creams, and then it started raining.
Having taken the scooter back and driven home i made roast pork with lovely crackling for us all and we sat and watched some TV. All in all we had a lovely day. Even Nana agreed it was something different and we don't do it much.
you post made me laugh and I was there! It was funny though and we enjoyed the day thankyou so much x