TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs


Monday, 27 February 2012

I won a book!

Yes my readers i actually won something.
Anyone who knows me will know that if i enter a competition i don't win, but in this case i did.
I entered via a blog i followed that hosts competitions. Not expecting to get anywhere and i'm so excited that i did.
The Monster of Silver Creek The Monster of Silver Creek

Now i will admit that horror is not a genre i normally read, but there was something that drew me to the front cover of this book, and i am intrigued, so i entered. I am now eagerly awaiting its arrival, and although i have a couple of books in line before this i will be getting to it as soon as possible. Once finished i will be leaving my review here and on my book blog for those interested.


  1. Hello Claire,
    I'm glad you like my cover. I was aiming for something serene, yet a little sinister.
    I hope you enjoy!

  2. I too like the look of your cover and will be borrowing it when I can to read it
