I received a beautiful blogger award from a friend the other day. And i have to say the reason she put on her blog made me smile and gave me tears. These are her details scarlettrainssistersoftheheartsblog.blogspot.com
As my continuation of this i will share 7 facts about myself;
1. I constantly put myself down, and can't see that ever changing, I'm never happy with what i do or even myself.
2. I love anything mythical- Dragons, Fairies, Unicorns etc...
3. I would like to say that i have one passion, but i love too many things so i would be lying.
4. I envy people who have tidy houses- this is something i will never achieve as i am too disorganised and generally messy. Some may say lazy since a lot of the time its a simple case of a 5 min job.
5. I always wonder why people would want to read about my life- i can't see that its very interesting.
6. My children are the best things i have ever created.
7. I have always had a yearning to be asked to be a Godmother to someone.
There we go, that was something that i thought would be easy, but trying to pick out facts about myself that were different was not easy.
Now onto my nominations for this award;
1. http://stationery-pigeon.blogspot.co.uk/ My wonderful friend for being just that.
2. http://seamstress-waffle.blogspot.co.uk My amazing mum, who i cannot thank enough for everything.
3. http://beckywilloughby.blogspot.co.uk/ For introducing me to blogging.
4. http://crystaljigsaw.blogspot.co.uk/ One of my fav blogs to follow.
5. http://morgaine-le-fays-textiles.blogspot.co.uk/ This friend is amazing, i absolutely love her fabrics. she is the first person i turn to for antique fabric or items i am looking for. She is a fountain of knowledge and an inspiration.
6. http://charlotteeaston.blogspot.co.uk/ Although i don't know this lady personally, she is the cousin of a friend and i find that she is a breat inspiration to others, i love reading the challenges she sets herself, and her milestones
7. http://thefeltfairyuk.blogspot.co.uk/ Annie introduced me to Monthly makes, i managed a few and since then got too busy, but i love reading the monthly makes non the less.
So there we go, all my fav blogs to follow, and now i pass the baton onto them.